When you finish a course, it is essential to take some time to evaluate it. This helps you and future students know what worked and what didn’t in the class. It can also help instructors improve their courses in the future. This blog post will provide 20+ examples of evaluation questions you can use for your courses!
Why Should Educational Institutions Conduct Course Evaluation Surveys?
Colleges and universities conduct timely assessments to assess student needs and collect feedback about the course. Feedback received directly through a student is a tool for improving the course. Course evaluation surveys cover different aspects of the study, including the course structure, professor feedback, and course materials feedback. The faculty member can further develop teaching skills and improve education based on these data.
This can also apply to the online course evaluation.
When designing your survey, make sure to include questions that cover the different aspects of the course that you want to evaluate.
Thanks to that, you can evaluate the answers and redesign or extend your online course to make it more user-friendly. It is a key step that you need to keep in mind when creating an online course.
Natural user experience can unimaginably benefit your business. Course evaluation questionnaires give you the possibility to see:
- What did students feel during the course?
- What did they learn?
- How did you perform as a teacher?
- How would they extend the course?
- What did they line the most?
- What did they dislike?
- Was the workload reasonable?
- Do they have any suggestions for improvement?
- What did the students think of the course overall?
There are many different types of questions that you can ask in a course evaluation survey. Just imagine how you could benefit from those kinds of questions!
What Are Good Survey Questions?
Your course evaluations are intended to report and analyze what happens at your school. Your data collected through an online assessment survey will aid your decisions. Finally, we must learn to plan the actions to apply what we know.
Designing the most accurate surveys and promoting thoughtful responses may help institutions improve significantly. When choosing the appropriate questions, consider the questions and department-specific questions.
Remember to threat answers like data, don’t take it personally. The survey is meant to help you improve, be sure you can handle constructive feedback and put yourselves in a customer position.
Should Each Department Have Different Course Evaluation Questions?
The fact that courses within separate departments have specialized assessments is beneficial. For example, the art, science, and business courses have distinctly different goals, methods, and goals. Although each course is unique, the courses in the same department must share the same goals. Therefore, these course evaluations will be similar across departments. Whether it relates to making pottery or understanding the biochemical sciences, every college degree has common goals.
We recommend you make a slight course evaluation after each more significant part of your course. There it would help if you asked questions specific to the chapter. However, if you perform this kind of evaluation survey at the end of a class, you might lose some student feedback. It is because students will forget small details from the first chapters, and trust me, those small details give your analysis the most value.
What Kind of Questions Should Your Survey Contain?
The survey questionnaire you design should be based on the type and, of course, you are evaluating.
Here we give you some examples of different types of courses and their evaluation questions:
Some questions are common for all courses. These questions help students think about the course and how useful it is. They also help students understand their instructor’s performance.
Example of some general questions :
- What was the most noteworthy thing you learned in this course?
- Did the instructor help you understand the material covered in this course?
- How often did you see the instructor during class sessions?
- Was the instructor available to help students outside of class?
- Did the instructor deliver feedback on your work on time?
- Did the instructor clearly state course objectives and expectations?
- What grade do you think you deserve in this course?
- Was the workload for this course reasonable?
The following are some sample general category course evaluation questions. In addition, there are questions regarding the instructor’s performance in their job and any concerns you may have.
Example of some Instructor-Related Questions:
- Dida, an instructor, covers all the concepts, skills, tools, and knowledge presented in the curriculum?
- Did the instructor give the ideas, skills, tools, and knowledge logically and efficiently?
- Did the instructor’s teaching methods help you learn more efficiently?
- What modifications would you suggest to improve this instructor’s performance, if any?
- Do you have any advice on how this instructor could make their class more interesting?
- What did you like best about this instructor’s teaching?
- My instructor returned assignments within the discussed time frame?
- Did an instructor provide guidance that improved students’ knowledge?
- How did the instructor treat students?
- My instructor-guided course exercises and group work?
This question helps you understand the course design, its objectives, and how it can be improved.
Example of some Course-Related Questions:\
- Was a class structured accordingly for your and other students’ level?
- Was the course material relevant and helpful?
- Did class participation help in achieving your goals?
- Did the course help me improve my critical thinking skills?
- Did the course help me improve my communication skills?
- What changes, if any, would you suggest to improve this course?
- Do you have any suggestions on how this instructor could make their class more interesting?
- Was the workload for this course reasonable?
- What did you like best about this instructor’s teaching?
- What did you dislike about this instructor’s teaching?
Student Self-Evaluation
This question is meant for the student to self-reflect and thinks about how much they have learned and what more they can do.
Example of some Student Self-Evaluation Questions:
- Did you complete all the course lessons?
- How much time did you spend on further learning?
- Did you use the extra exorcised provided?
- Have you signed up for our particular Facebook group?
- Did you take part in our weekly live sessions?
- What is your final score on the course project? Please rate your satisfaction with this course from 0 to 100%.
- If you could go back and relive this course, what would you do differently?
- I need more/less interaction with other students to improve my learning.
- This course has enabled me to develop new skills.
- This course has helped me improve my existing skills.
Open-Ended Questions
Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” These types of questions usually require more thought and typically result in longer, more detailed answers.
Example of some Open-Ended Questions:
- What was the most important thing you learned in this course?
- Did the instructor help you understand the material covered in this course? If so, how?
- What changes, if any, would you suggest to improve this course?
- Do you have any suggestions on how the instructor could make their class more interesting?
- What did you like best about this instructor’s teaching?
- Would you recommend this course to other people? Why yes, why not?
Thank you for reading! I hope you find these online course evaluation questions helpful in your courses. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact me. And be sure to share this blog post with your colleagues and friends – the more people who use these questions, the better!
See also: